Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Week of March 18-22

Welcome to the last Quarter of the 2018-2019 School Year!

This week students will be working on an Societal Issue Allegorical Narrative Project for the majority of the week. They will be creating a narrative children's book that serves as an allegorical tale to explain important facts of an issue and the possible outcomes that result from the issue.

Students will be graded progressively on this project, meaning that they will work on the project in class, and each day will receive a Classwork grade for that day's component toward completing the project. The Final Project will be a Summative grade.

Monday, March 18: Planning the narrative
Tuesday, March 19: Developing the story
Wednesday, March 20: First Draft of Narrative Due
Thursday, March 21: Final Draft
Friday, March 22: Completed Children's Book

The students should be creative as well as thoughtful in developing their projects!